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Sunday, 2 June 2019

What is Computer Network Topology? In English

Computer Network Topology


Computer Network Topology

Network Topology is the arrangement of various elements (links, nodes, etc.) of the computer network. In fact, this is the topology structure of the network.

Topology Meaning:

Network topology is the provision of a network, which includes its nodes and connecting lines.

Types of Network Topology

1) Point-to-point Topology

Point-to-point (PTP) topology connects two nodes directly using a single cable. The best example of point-to-point topology is the communication between two computers through the modem.

2) Bus Topology


Bus topology is the cheapest way to add computers through small audiences, in which all devices are connected to the same cable. In the topology, all the nodes are connected directly to a cable.


Bus topology is less expensive.
It is easy to use and understand.
It is easy to connect a computer or device.
It is easy to extend a network.


It is slow in very heavy networks.
If the main cable breaks then the entire network is closed.

3) Star Topology


All the nodes in the Star Network are connected to a device, which can be a hub, a router or a switch. This central device works as a server and other nodes work as a client. All communications in this network are passed through this central device. In the Star Network, devices usually connect to the Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP) cable from the hub.


Unlike just the network, the failure of a cable to this node does not affect the entire network.
It is easy to add another workstation to the network.
To reduce the cost of using a centralized networking device.

Disadvantages -

Failure of the central device causes the failure of the entire network.

4) Ring Topology


In the ring topology, each node connects to the other two nodes and creates the structure of a circular network. Each packet is sent in the same direction until it reaches the final destination.

Advantages -

This eliminates the cost of the Central device.
It continues to work even after being more than capable, but this speed will slow down.

Disadvantages -

Failure of any node in this network can affect the entire network.
The entire network is interrupted to connect a node to this network.

5) Mesh Topology


Mesh Network uses a network topology, in which all the nodes relay data for the network. In this way, the host is associated with one or two or more hosts. All nodes collaborate in distributing data across the network.

Advantage -

The main advantage of mesh topology is that there is a fault tolerance in it, so if any cable breaks in it, its traffic can be routed through a different route.

Disadvantage -

It uses many ways and requires additional cable and network interfaces.
It is very difficult to manage.

6) Tree Topology


It is also known as hierarchical topology. This is essentially just a combination of topology and star topology. This topology divides the network into multiple levels/layers.

It has a root node, intermediate nodes, and ultimate nodes. Its structure is in a hierarchical form and how many nodes can any intermediate node have.

Cable TV technology can be an example of this. Other examples may include military, mining and other mobile applications, which are dynamic tree based wireless networks.


It's scalable. It allows more devices to connect to the center node.
Point-of-Point Connection of Device |
It has the ease of managing various levels of the network and the fault detection and isolation is easy.


When the network is spread to a large area, maintenance of the network can be a problem.
While there is a lot of topology in it, if its backbone fails, the entire network can be interrupted.

7) Hybrid Topology


Hybrid topology has two or more basic topologies interconnected, each of which relates to each other and as a result, the network does not display a standard topology. The Internet is a good example of the largest hybrid topology.

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