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Friday, 31 May 2019

What is a IP address? To know everything about a short guide IP address

Short Guide Learn IP


What is IP Address

Short Guide Learn IP Address: Internet Protocol Internet Protocol address (or IP address) is a unique address of every device connected to the network (e.g., computer, server, printer, smartphone) to send data to a particular device on the network and communicates They use the Internet Protocol.

Internet Protocol

Internet Protocol (IP) This is a method or protocol through which data is sent from one device to another on the Internet.

Every device connected to the network should have a unique IP address. Without the unique address of your device, you can not communicate with other devices, users, and computers on the network or the Internet. IP addresses are made of binary values ​​and routing all the data over the network or the Internet.

The Format of an IP Address:

The IP address always has 4 blocks of numbers, which are separated by period. Each block has a potential range of 0 to 255, which means that each block has 256 potential values. For example, IP address looks like

3 ranges from these addresses have been reserved for special purpose. The first address corresponds to the default network and are called Broadcast Addresses. The third address is the loopback address, and it shows your own machine or computer.

IP Address Standards

There are 2 standard IP addresses used on any network:

i) IP version 4 (IPv4):

Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) This is the fourth version of Internet Protocol (IP), which is used to identify network devices. IPv4 addresses are 32 bits tall and support 4,294,967,296 addresses (though many of them are reserved for specific purposes, such as and This is a common example of an IPv4 address. The most easily identifiable IP ranges are -, because these addresses we use at home or office.

ii) IP version 6 (IPv6):

A new version of Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) was developed due to the worsening IPv4 addressing potential future due to the popular Internet growth. This is new and unchanged version of IPv4. It is also known as IPng.

Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) is 128 bits long. Therefore, it supports 2 ^ 128 internet addresses, which are equivalent to 340.282.366.920.938. addresses. These are many addresses and they are much more than enough to continue internet operations for a very long time.

What is Public and Private IP Addresses:

i) Private IP Addresses:

When many computers or devices connect either to the cable or to the wireless, they create a private network. Within this network, a unique IP address is assigned to share files and resets to each device. The IP address of all the devices in this network is called private address.

ii) Public IP addresses:

The public IP address is the ISP (Internet Service Provider). This gives your home network an identity in the outside world. This IP address is unique throughout the Internet.

Public IP address can be static or dynamic. Static public IP address does not change and it is mainly used for accessing a service (such as an IP camera, FTP server, email server or remote access to the computer) or web hosting on the Internet. It has to be purchased by ISP.

On the other hand, Dynamic IP address takes the available IP address and changes every time it is connected to the internet. The maximum Internet user has a dynamic IP address for his computer, which is disconnected when disconnected from the Internet and gets a new IP address when reconnected.

IP Address Classes

There are five classes for IP range in IPv4 address: Class A, Class B, Class C, Class D and Class E | Whereas only A, B, and C are commonly used. Each class allows for a valid range of IP addresses, which are shown in the following table -

What is My IP Address?

To find your computer's private IP address -

First, click the Start menu, and select Run.

Type 'cmd' in the Run box and click on the "OK" button.

Finally, type "ipconfig" at the prompt and information about your IP address will be displayed here.

To find public IP address-

If your computer is connected directly to the internet without any router settings, then your IP address is a public IP address. The easiest way to find out your public IP address is to ask the website.

For this you just have to search what is my ip or what is my ip address on Google, and Google will show your public IP address.

With this, there are several websites on the Internet that show your public IP address.

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