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Wednesday, 29 May 2019

Internet History in English! Know how today's internet was developed

Internet History


History of the Internet

The Internet has brought a new revolution in the world of computers and communication. Telegraphs, telephones, the radio, and the computer inventions created a platform for this unprecedented skill.

Birth of ARPANET:

Scientists and military experts were particularly concerned about what could be happening in the state of Soviet attack on the telephone system of the nation. They feared that only one missile could destroy the entire network lines and stars.

In 1962, M.I.T. And one of the ARPA's scientists J.C.R. Lyclyder proposed a solution to this problem: a "galactic network" computer that could communicate with each other. They will be able to communicate with such a network, even if the Soviet Union destroys its telephone system.

In 1965, another Scientist of an M.I.I. developed a method of sending information from one computer to another computer, which he called "Packet Switching". Breaks the data into blocks or packets before sending Packet Switching to your destination.

These packets used to reach their destinations on different routes. Without packet switching, this computer network of government - now known as ARPAnet - was a simple prey for enemy attacks just like the phone system.


In 1969, ARPAnet delivered its first message: a "node-to-node" communication from one computer to the other (the first computer was in a research lab of UCLA and the other was in Stanford, and the size of both was as much as a house size ). The message LOGIN was short and simple, but it crashed into the network of ARPA, and Stanford computers received only the first two letters of the note.

By the end of 1969, only four computers were connected to ARPAnet, but the network grew rapidly during the 1970s. In 1971, he edited ALOHAnet of the University of Hawaii, and two years later, Norway's London's University College and Royal Radar Establishment were edited in the network.

As packets-switched computers increased in the network, they became more difficult for them to integrate them into a worldwide "internet".

In the late 1970s, a computer scientist named Winton Surf started solving this problem by developing a method for communicating with each other for the world's mini-networks. He named his invention "Transmission Control Protocol," or TCP. (Later, he edited an additional protocol, which is called "Internet Protocol." The references we use today are TCP / IP.)

World Wide Web:

Internet History in English I Surf's protocol changed the Internet into a worldwide network. During the 1980s, researchers and scientists used it to send files and data from one computer to another.

However, there was a revolution on the Internet again in 1991. In that year, Tim Berners-Lee, a computer programmer from Switzerland, introduced the World Wide Web: an Internet that was not a way to send files from one location to another, but it was "Web" of information itself. Berners-Lee created the Internet that we know today.

Since then, the internet has changed in a number of ways, in 1992, a group of students and students of the University of Illinois developed a sophisticated browser, which they called Mosaic. (It later became Netscape.) Mosaic offered a user-friendly method to search the web: This allows users to view text and images on the same page for the first time and use scrollbars and clickable links. Got permission to navigate. In the same year, the government decided that the Web could be used for commercial purposes. And after that e-commerce uses the internet to sell their services and goods directly to the customers.

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